5 Questions with Natascha Totzler

In your point of view, what are the most promising topics and trends in relation to 'Data & Analytics'?
Probably the most important topic around Data & Analytics is "Awareness". In other words, raising awareness in an organization about data and analysis of the same and why data is important for the company!
What added value can be created from it and what does it take to be able to work data-driven
At the management level, we see an increasing trend towards awareness of the topic data governance, i.e. the management of data. From personal experience, this is because it is also becoming increasingly obvious in organizations what role working with data plays. It is becoming more and more clear that we must first do our "homework", i.e. the processes around working with data must be addressed so that data-driven work can be enabled in the company in the first place.
In addition, it must be clear that an organization's data no longer only affects individual people or departments, but that a cultural change must also go hand in hand with it. If data is to shape the business models of the future, then this must also become part of the company's DNA. However, this is not a quick process. We must also be aware of this.
Building on data-driven work, trends in sustainability and transparency are becoming increasingly noticeable. For example, sustainable analytics, reusable models or in terms of the data lifecycle, as well as Transparent AI. In other words, re-use and understanding.
How do 'Data & Analytics' technologies change the work processes in companies?
Fundamental. Depending on the maturity of the organization, the change is from "digital natives" to "data natives. Digitization or digital transformation was the cornerstone for the current further development. Now it is often about how companies can scale in a data-driven way.
But regardless of which stage of this journey a company is already on, it must also always be aware that it is people who are treading this path. Changing the way we work, requires the commitment of every single individual involved, and that is a fundamental change for companies, their culture, their leadership, and the enterprise.
What connection do you see between customer experience and employee experience?
Customer experience is something that has already found its way into almost every company, admittedly to varying degrees. How am I perceived by my customers and what experience does my customer have with me as a company, and/or with my product/brand.
Employee Experience is only getting increasing attention in recent years. In my opinion, employee satisfaction is something that is at least as important, if not more so! How an employee perceives the company, the interaction with each other, the culture and also the products have a significant impact on the work that the person performs. He or she is able and willing to perform. If a company actively deals with what an employee experiences and tries to ensure that these experiences are positive, then this inevitably has a positive effect on customer satisfaction
How do leaders get their team excited about data management projects?
In very trivial terms: Explain the "why"! Create transparency in the motivation, inspire enthusiasm for the opportunities it opens up. Make it a matter of the company's heart and not an IT project.
Ask yourself the question, "Would I be excited if someone told me, "IT is doing another project there now"?"
Assuming the answer is "no," what would it take to get you excited?
I am going out on a limb and saying: If someone tells you what the project is, why this of all projects is the project and why it is important! Then that opens up completely different perspectives than "the next IT project".
Which data-related initiatives should companies primarily push in the next 12 months and why?
Depending on the maturity level in terms of working with data in an organization, there may be different approaches:
- Identify data-driven business models and use cases for your organization.
- Important: Include the knowledge of your experts! The domain knowledge of your experts is essential in this work and subsequently in awareness and implementation!
- Deal with the topic of data governance and which agile approaches exist in the area.
- Don't look for the all-around perfect solution. See what initial measures you can take that show the company – i.e., the people in it – what potential is hidden in it.
- If the company is already data-driven, it is a good idea to do this across the company and keep an eye on developments at the European level. How can we ensure that our data no longer stops at company or national borders? What potential is still hidden in collaboration? In collaboration with subsidiaries, branch offices, or even other companies? How do you manage to unleash this potential, but not your data?
But regardless of what you do: Your business and your venture is made up of people. Don't forget that. Meet them the way you would like to be met. Inspire them and start taking action!