DUB UNTERNEHMER-Magazine: Interview with EGGER

23 October 2020
Ida Lorenz
EGGER, the wood-based materials manufacturer from Austria, is a long-standing customer of parsionate. We are pleased that we had the opportunity to discuss the complexity of data management and the customer-centric corporate strategy in an interview with the DUB UNTERNEHMER magazine.

Ulrich Bühler has been responsible for sales, marketing, product management and communication in the EGGER Group Management since 2006. In this interview he spoke about digitalisation, future-oriented strategies and sustainable added value for customers and suppliers.

In the DUB interview he says: "It is not the amount of data that challenges us, but the diversity of data. It is our task to coordinate them along the entire value chain and to use them to create added value. To harmonise the complexity of the data from raw material to customer in the best possible way and to be able to access if necessary – this is our goal".

Michael Pohl is Head of Presales Consulting at parsionate and actively involved in the implementation of a sustainable digitisation strategy at the family business EGGER. His focus is on the level of automation and digitisation as well as the sustainable added value within the value chain.

In the DUB interview he says: "Digitisation, data management, new business models, products and services – in future they will all be substantially determined by data analytics and data science in order to focus more on customer experience and customer journey. Therefore, agile organisations and processes will become increasingly important and cause a sustainable cultural change regarding the traditional product and service business".

Read the complete interview in the DUB UNTERNEHMER magazine volume 5.20 / Focusing digitisation & technology. (In German)

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