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NEOCOM 2016: Focus on Transformation

14 October 2016
Currently „Digital Transformation“ is the monstrous word and biggest challenge for retailers at the same time.

But not only companies have to change and adapt to the new customer behavior. Also the NEOCOM itself transforms: with its broad conference program and interactive formats it claims to be the flagship event for E-Commerce and Omnichannel Retail in Germany. During the last two days the NEOCOM 2016 focused on Best Cases of leading companies. Speakers like Ralf Kleber from Amazon, Dr. Marcus Ackermann from bonprix, Ernst Trapp from E.M.P. and Alexander Birken from Otto Group talked about their success stories and gave insights into their digital transformation. Nils Müller created a successful finish by taking the audience on a trip to the year 2025, having a look at the innovations and trends in future.

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