Engagement = Sustainability + Responsibility

Here at Parsionate, we know it’s important to make the most of our available energy, resources and people. We are committed to sustainability on numerous fronts: climate, resources, gender diversity and inclusion. We are a leader in the net-zero transition in our peer group and have been climate neutral group-wide since 2020.

Climate Neutrality: Compensation and Reduction

The Parsionate Group has been certified as climate neutral since January 2020. We take responsibility for sustainability in this way on an entirely voluntary basis, making us green leaders in the services sector. We neutralize 100% of our carbon emissions with the gold standard climate protection project "Regreening Sodo and Humbo" and are directly involved in the areas affected by climate change. This approach addresses both climate change and social responsibility. Ecosystem restoration creates sustainable income and employment opportunities, significantly improves local infrastructure, and protects more than 25 endangered species. In addition, our action plan provides for further reductions, such as by prioritizing train travel or operating our servers in a “green” data center. We calculate our CO2 emissions with the support of an external service provider in accordance with the GHG Protocol Standard.

Social Commitment: Staying Active Together

The Parsionate team likes to get active to get behind various humanitarian appeals. Over the course of our “10 Days of Movement” at the beginning of 2022, the team covered a total of 666.82 kilometers on foot and 387.39 kilometers on bike. Parsionate rewarded each kilometer achieved on foot by donating €5 for a good cause, with each kilometer cycled clocking up €1. The grand total of €3,721.49 was donated to the children and youth hospice in Stuttgart.

At the CIO Charity Run & Bike 2021, the team ran and cycled a total of 113 kilometers worth of money. Together with more than 1000 participants, they fought for greater educational justice, equal opportunities and the digital integration of teenagers and young adults.

Reforestation of Native Forests

The nonprofit organization TreePlantingProjects reforests our native woodlands to help slow the rise in global temperatures, minimizing the impact of climate change on Earth’s living conditions for future generations. They work together with associations and service providers from forestry and agriculture, volunteers, and landowners for the protection of climate and environment. Since 2022 for every new employee we hire through TreePlantingProjects we plant 15 trees with a donation. The new employees receive a certificate and a small plant kit on their first day.

Gender-Inclusive Language

We design our business communications to be gender-inclusive throughout and want to include all genders in what we do and write. Our employees are free to express their own beliefs in their personal communications (including those relating to Parsionate).
We believe that language reflects the society in which it’s spoken and written. If we want to make a difference in that society, it follows that our language needs to reflect what will in future go without saying. That’s why we at Parsionate choose to use gender-inclusive language and truly believe it’s the right thing to do.

We also believe in the freedom of the individual and don’t want to restrict this freedom unnecessarily with specifications and rules. That said, that is always within the framework of an open, tolerant and democratic world view, which should apply to us all at all times. We encourage everyone to use gender-inclusive language unreservedly. 

Charity: Donations for the HHH Clown Doctors 

Here in this corner of the world, we are fortunate to number among the globe’s most privileged. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t people here (like everywhere) who need help. The foundation “Humor Hilft Heilen” (Humor Helps Heal) has set itself the goal of promoting therapeutic laughter wherever it’s needed. Their clowns visit hospitals to reduce anxiety surrounding operations, examinations and medical equipment and go into nursing homes to ease residents’ loneliness.

Laughter really is the best medicine – which is why we have been donating to the charitable foundation on a regular basis for many years now, supporting clown projects and humor training for care workers throughout Germany.

Diversity in Focus: Our Commitment to an Inclusive Work Environment

At Parsionate, diversity is important to us. We firmly believe that diversity is a strength, and we are dedicated to promoting an inclusive work environment. As a testament to this commitment, we signed the "Diversity Charter" in 2023 to reaffirm our commitment to fostering diversity and tolerance.

At Parsionate, we continuously strive to create an open and diverse environment because we are convinced that diversity enriches and unites.

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