Julia Stumpenhagen: Women in Tech, Data and Analytics

15 March 2021
Ida Lorenz
Women continue to be underrepresented in the field of Technology, Data and Analytics. And according to a report by the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT)*, the percentage of women in computer science jobs has steadily decreased since 1991, when it peaked at 36%.

We are very committed to promoting more diversity in this male-dominated field. Diversity of experience, perspective and talent within the organisation can add significant value to the organisation as a unit.

In the future, we would like to publish guest articles by female leaders around data management in our online magazine, to draw attention to great women who are setting an example with their careers. They talk about their successes, the defining moments of their careers, and stepping out of their comfort zones.

We are excited to share these inspiring posts with you. Listen to what Julia Stumpenhagen, Data Manager at Volkswagen Financial Services AG, has to say on the subject.

Julia Stumpenhagen

My day starts

with the smell of coffee and a snuggle with my dog.

In my role I am

highly motivated and exactly in the right place: what I can do, I am doing – what I do, I can do well.

I chose data management because

I was blessed with a data gene at birth. I was fascinated by data from an early age.

Working within the company has helped me

to have direct supervisors who share my mindset and passion for data; a top management that maintains close interaction with all employees.

The most challenging thing about my job

in a large corporation is to recognise all the movements and "ride the wave" of innovation, change and transparency.

To promote diversity in tech, companies need

to make jobs interesting for all application groups – stereotypes in working time models, salary etc. attract stereotypes and only produce stereotypical solutions.

hen selecting people to join my team,

I make sure to create a place in the team for everyone based on their needs and competences, where they feel comfortable and can make the best contribution. Motivating conditions enable people to perform at their best.

The advice I would give to my 18-year-old self is:

Try things out, make mistakes, have fun. Find a job that challenges you every day!

Networking is very important in the professional world. I advise women

to network in many ways – across company boundaries with people from whom they can learn something.

My website recommendation is

informationisbeautiful.net because there you can find impressive infographics and learn how to visualise data. I am inspired.

To find out more about Julia Stumpenhagen, please visit her LinkedIn profile page.

* Source: https://www.ncwit.org/

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