Parsionate at the bvh 2.014 Conference

09 April 2014
Email marketing, conversion rate optimization, legal aspects of e-commerce, product data management, SEO – it’s not only the range of topics of the workshops and Email marketing, conversion rate optimization, legal aspects of e-commerce, product data management, SEO – it’s not only the range of topics of the workshops and master classes that clearly showed that e-commerce accounts by now for the largest proportion of the mail order industry sales.

The German Trade Association (BVH) itself followed the trend by changing its name to BEVH (“Bundesverband E-Commerce und Versandhandel” – “E-Commerce and Distance Selling Trade Association”). After two days of gaining and exchanging practical knowledge in master classes, workshops and keynotes, we can only confirm that the bvh 2.014 conference has been a great success. We have learned a lot, we had interesting conversations and we had the opportunity to meet.Our highlight: a parsionate workshop about “PIM business models” given by Michael Weiß and Michael Fieg. In just 90 minutes Michael & Michael presented the business model canvas for PIM and specified with the participants an exemplary business model. We would like to thank our workshop participants for their involvement and for achieving and presenting great results.

Impressions of the bvh 2.014:

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