Focus-Business: top employer award for parsionate again

For the fifth time in a row, parsionate has been named „Top-Arbeitgeber Mittelstand“ (eng. Top Employer for Medium-Sized Businesses) by the business magazine FOCUS-Business. In the research study, which was performed together with the research partner FactField, the parsionate group could again positively stand out as a desirable employer and confirm the previous year's result.
Ratings from over 38,000 companies were analyzed and weighted for this survey of top employers. Due to above-average ratings (interview and online), parsionate was able to achieve a great ranking.

parsionate is one of the TOP employers in the German medium-sized business sector.
"We are very pleased to receive this award again. Once again, it is clear that investment and effort in measures that promote collaboration and training pay off," comments Thomas Sperrfechter, Managing Director at parsionate.
"A prerequisite for the consistent growth of our company is qualified new employees who strengthen our team. An open and cooperative partnership and continuously optimized concepts in our onboarding and development processes create the basis for convincing passionate, committed team members."
With an average annual company growth of 25-30% since its founding in 2013, team development is a core task. Therefore, parsionate continuously works on innovative ways to ensure the development and success of every employee.
From a good working atmosphere, to working independently, to the behavior of superiors - the heterogeneous team of the parsionate group shows themselves satisfied to very satisfied with their employer in all evaluation criteria.
Further awards like Best Company for Women, Growth Champion 2022, and Top Consultant 2021 show that the parsionate group convinces in many ways.
The complete list of TOP-placed companies can be found in the special issue of FOCUS-Business "Die Top-Arbeitgeber Mittelstand 2022".
Text & Image Source: FOCUS Business / Issue 04/2021 (a Burda News brand)
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